Thursday, June 24, 2010

How to Beat Muggsy Bogues in Basketball

Howdy one and all! The advice of the day derives from a plea by Bob, a denizen of Peach Basketville, Massachusetts.

I would like some advice on how to beat Mugsy Bouges in a game of basketball.

First, I would like to tutor my basketball challenged followers about diminutive Muggsy Bogues. Tyrone Curtis Muggsy Bogues was the shortest basketball player in the NBA. He played for four different NBA teams, but was famous mainly for his stint as a Charlotte Hornet Point Gaurd. At 5 feet and 3 inches, he was a force to be reckoned with (just imagine an Oompa-Loompa with the speed of the Road Runner, the distribution skills of a great middle manager, and the shooting prowess of... um... a brick?).

Bob, you are in luck today as I have five ways to help you out! First off, there are quite a few ways to interpret your plea for help:

1) You want to score more points than, or otherwise school Muggsy Bogues while competing against each other on separate teams during a game of Basketball.
2) Using a weapon or your bare fists, you wish to inflict physical harm to Muggsy during a game of Basketball.
3) Using mind games as a corporate head honcho, you use Basketball as a tool to crush Muggsy's employment.

We will start with the conventional first interpretation as the basis for the first three methods leading to victory over Tyrone Bogues.

The first method to ever absolutely crush Muggsy on court was employed by Aliens. They came to Earth and used magic to steal Muggsy's talent. He thus became a bumbling, clumsy, and slow pipsqueek who had the basketball talent of a four year old. This is perhaps the easiest way to "School" Muggsy. For further information on utilizing this method, read WARNING: If you are a Christian or are around them, using this method could lead to death. Siphoning talent using magic infers that you are a Wizard. Leviticus 20:27 states:
A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

Our second method: Pay Michael Jordan, Labron James, Dwight Howard, and Mr. T (just because he is the coolest guy in the world) to team up with you and beat Muggsy and four chumps in a game. It helps if you are a Russian Billionaire and own a basketball team (re: New Jersey Nets).

Third: Blackmail Muggsy into looking bad so your friends think you are awesome. You would need to know a good Private Investigator and Muggsy would actually have to do something bad. So you discover Muggsy's personal issues, walk up to Mr. Bogues and say something along these lines, "Hey, I saw you littering green paper into that plate they handed out in that weird building you went to last Sunday" or "I have pictures of you attempting to kidnap an old lady! Yeah, that time you dragged her across the street and then ran away!"

The fourth way to beat Muggsy involves the second interpretation. Wait, what? My editor wont let me write anything explaining how to physically harm a celebrity. Oh, snap!

The fifth and last method to beating Muggsy in Basketball (using the third interpretation): Create a WNBA franchise named the Charlotte Sting (this is a Woman's NBA league). Hire Muggsy Bogues to be the head coach of the Sting. Move your team to another city, and fold the WNBA franchise. Muggsy is now an unemployed sucker, MUHAHAHAHA! You used the sport of Basketball, playing a mind game with Muggsy and other Charlotteans, to cause financial duress to Mr. Bogues.

Bob, I hope one of these five methods is to your liking. As we know, there is absolutely no way to just be a better basketball player than Muggsy Bogues. I mean it isn’t like his knees are super brittle and his speed now quite unimpressive. Nope, no way can you just defeat him in a pickup game at the YMCA!

~ Essage
As usual, email questions or requests for advice to I will post to this blog ANY advice on a daily basis pending emails.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Money and How to Earn it!

Our first question comes from Jill, the famous thief from Neverland (for some reason I doubt the varacity of Jill's location. We all know she is really from Florida):

I just got out of a ten year stint in jail and I need to make some dough. What advice can you give me?

Jill, Jill, Jill. Considering you met me while pointing a gun at my heart and taking my wallet, I have a feeling that you like the more... ahem... adventurous methods of cash retrieval. Unless of course you meant a literal translation for dough. In that case, you should probably consult a baker, not myself.

The road to making money is fraught with perils and unspeakable hardships. First off, since you love adventure, you absolutely need to do some prep work. A lot of opportunities depend on your age.

Say, if you were young enough (could convincingly act between 16 and 24), you could:
1) Create some fake ids
2) Perfect an English accent (bonus points for Australian)
3) Send letters out to various Churches along the Eastern Seaboard, announcing that you are an exchange student looking for a home for the Summer
4) GET TO THE AIRPORT BEFORE YOUR VIC... er... TARGETS ARRIVE TO PICK YOU UP. This is by far the most important part of the job
5) Work your way into the family's circle of friends
6) When any of the family or friends go on vacation, have your BF drive up from Miami and take everything you can fence or sell. Preferably leave the host family for last
7) Leave and get several states away


For this to work, you need to make sure your boyfriend doesn't call and taunt the host families after your grand acting tour. Otherwise the police will get tipped off and trace the phone line back to your bf and the two of you will inevitably end up without your hard earned cash.

Now Jill, since you are fresh off a ten year stint in jail, this might be a tough road to follow. You could try a very similar English Nanny permutation to the above blueprint for theft success.

Or you could go to college, get a job, avoid causing untold distrust in young children, have a happy and fulfilled life, actually accrue wealth with a long term pattern of growth, and avoid jail altogether. Who am I to tell you what to do though? The choice is yours.

*DISCLAIMER: No advice prior up to the previous paragraph in this column should be taken seriously.


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